they're all being replaced with hand puppets.
This seems to be the case and is an interesting, and not really surprising, turn of events.
Apparently dissatisfied with the previous gang's depth of servitude the
Busheviks are replacing them with folks like Porter Goss at CIA and Bernard Kerik at the somewhat organized harassment racket called Homeland Security.
The new team has the bowing, scraping and looking dreamily at our leader part down cold -- preferably, in front of a wall plastered with the word "freedom" or "security" or that always funny joke, "jobs". Now, if only they actually knew anything about their jobs or the world they're supposed to be assistant rulers of.
This has got to be the most dumb ass 'empire' in the history of history. Oh, it wasn't always so -- the Bretton Woods generation were a clever bunch -- but it's surely the situation now.