On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 07:35:09 -0800 (PST) andie nachgeborenen
<andie_nachgeborenen at yahoo.com> writes:
> Flew is a right winger. A good writer, though. But it
> is sad to se him give up on the anti-religious cause
> for (if the reasoning is corrected described) bad old
> reasons he has thoroughly skewered over the decades.
> Maybe it is thoughts of mortality that afflict him.
Who knows? He is quoted as stating that he still disavows belief in an afterlife and insists that the notion of God that he willing to entertain is much more like the God of Aristotle or Spinoza rather than the traditional religious God. Actually, I am not totally surprised by this since for a number of years he had seemed willing to take arguments from the anthropic principle much more seriously than they seemmed (to me) to merit.
> --- Kevin Robert Dean <Qualiall at adelphia.net> wrote: