[lbo-talk] Christian Exodus: On To S. Carolina!

Dwayne Monroe idoru345 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 23 09:48:04 PST 2004

A quote from the site's homepage:

ChristianExodus.org is coordinating the move of thousands of Christians to South Carolina for the express purpose of re-establishing Godly, constitutional government. It is evident that the U.S. Constitution has been abandoned under our current federal system, and the efforts of Christian activism to restore our Godly republic have proven futile over the past three decades. The time has come for Christians to withdraw our consent from the current federal government and re-introduce the Christian principles once so predominant in America to a sovereign State like South Carolina.


More quasi-secessionist strategies are at - <http://www.christianexodus.com/ >


This is one of those things that could either prove to be pretty significant in years to come or remain forever trapped in position papers, meetings of the faithful and clever websites with morphomatic action (check out the image on the homepage that changes, when you click on it, from a picture of a ten commandments monument to sinister same sexers celebrating their godless unions).

Time will tell talking monkeys, time will tell.

Wouldn't it be curious, and annoyingly dangerous in a where's my anti-personnel grenade kind of way, if this movement gained real velocity - perhaps inspiring others to follow? Somehow, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the United States in say, 2050, looked more like a loose confederation of incredibly dumb-ass collectives of people with tail chasing fixations (such as fighting the same pr0n they baby oil and Kleenex themselves to sleep with every other night, kvetching about non or not-quite-fully-committed-heteros, or preventing those suspicious, dusky skinned immigrants from driving) instead of a thoroughly modern, mid 21st century state.


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