[lbo-talk] Re: plagarism watch

Jon Johanning zenner41 at mac.com
Fri Dec 24 09:28:51 PST 2004

On Dec 24, 2004, at 11:09 AM, Doug Henwood wrote:

> The net has transformed a lot of people's assumptions about writing -
> they want it all for free. Which is fine if you're a blogger getting a
> paycheck from a university or a think tank, but what about us hacks
> who aren't so well-situated? Stuff posted on the web looks costless to
> the user, but it takes a lot of time and effort to get it there in
> many cases.

I wonder, in fact, how the economic situation of the average non-fiction writer (especially on political subjects, and especially on political subjects from a left standpoint) has changed between before the internet and after it. Were they living like kings and queens before?

Jon Johanning // jjohanning at igc.org _____________________________ "Simply by being human we do not have a common bond. For all we share with all other humans is the same thing we share with all other animals -- the ability to feel pain." -- Richard Rorty

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