jks wrote:
> It's pointless, Charles, yoiu've made your choice:
you want universal poverty with a low but solid floor
and generalized repression.
and Charles responded:
> This is obvious slander. What I want is universal wealth
and generalized freedom.
Charles, you have in e-mails to the list supported Castro's repression of queers saying that it was necessary. So at least in one area you do support repression.
> The repression under communism over 70 years is miniscule
compared to the repression of the market through 300 years.
There should be 0% tolerance for repression. And queer repression under communism was huge (communists in the West were also horrific homophobes). As a non-queer you may regard this repression as miniscule, but the historical record proves otherwise.
> The market _is_ a form of private property. No private
property, no market.
Do markets only appear in capitalist economies? Is there such a thing as a positive/progressive formulation of a market?
Brian Dauth Queer Buddhist Resister