you're such a lacanian! (just thort it was interesting and in keeping with the Sigel book review I posted last night re: class and porn) (interestingly in keep with Katrina Hazard Gordon (diff name now) who wrote Jookin'. The Rise of Social Dance Formations in African-American Culture. Gordon in a talk extending the thesis of the book shows how dance in the 20th shifted from couple dancing reflecting a once dominate social norm, coupling and marriage, to an individualist form, reflecting another norm, that of singlehood. Gordon doesn't chalk it up to pathology, of course, but to deindustrialization, the legalization of gambling, and the vagaries of the drug trade (resulting in a decline of opportunities for people to make money hustling as a way to supplement their incomes) more on burlesque as a genre useful for a truncated form of class warfare.
googlegrrrrRl (bored with work!)