"As for "Sex and the City," I just can't see the fascination about it. I've only watched the odd episode (and "odd" is the right word) or two when I had nothing better to do, so I'm not extremely familiar with it, but as far as I can tell, it's badly written, the characters are silly stereotypes, the endless traipsing around expensive Manhattan "shops" doesn't relate to my life at all (perhaps it does to other LBO-talkers), and the guys Carrie picks up are the most boring part of the show, including that Russian artist. (No, I lie; the most boring parts are Samantha's "sex-pot" bits. Vampire? She has about as much sexual wattage as a refrigerator bulb.) I wouldn't date or copulate with any of them, much less marry them, because they're not interesting people. I don't remember who said "the brain is the most important sex organ," but she or he was right."
Totally agree and it's getting sillier. Speaking for the gals...it's a fashion show, it's potato chips, it's good fodder for water cooler chat.