[lbo-talk] Kerry Says He MightSupportConstitutionalAmendmentto Ban Gay Marriage

Curtiss Leung curtiss_leung at ibi.com
Wed Feb 11 14:07:09 PST 2004

> Wotjek:
> I said, I do not care how the thing is called as long as same sex
> have the same LEGAL rights as heterosexual unions, and I do not give
> shits about the moral or semantic aspect of it. I did NOT argue for a
> legal status that carries fewer rights than that involving
> couples.

I didn't mean to imply that you supported an inferior status; I only wanted to point out what rights *currently attach* to the terms "marriage" and "civil union." The status of "Civil union" currently has fewer rights attached to it, and only exists in Vermont.

I agree that it ought not matter what this status is called as long as it is the same as marriage--but from what (little, I admit) I've read from gay activist groups, they prefer the term "marriage." We agree this bundle of rights is something they lack and should have; why not follow their lead on what they'd like it to be called?


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