[lbo-talk] Secret Police Force to Be Set Up in Iraq

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Sat Feb 14 22:20:29 PST 2004

>[lbo-talk] Courageous Ba'ath Insurgents Strike Another Blow
>ForFreedom and Democracy!
>Shane Mage shmage at pipeline.com
>Sat Feb 14 16:58:23 PST 2004
>Mike Larkin and Luke Weiger wrote:
>>>Wow, it takes real guts to mow down a bunch of desperately poor
>>>Iraqi police and then turn hardened criminals loose on the
>>>population! Hopefully, we'll withdraw soon so the great work of
>>>liberation can continue.
>>Allah akbar!
>According to the first NYT report posted on its web site, the attack
>by a large (80 strong), heavily armed, and perfectly disciplined
>force was the work of the Badr brigades, a fanatically antiBaathist
>Shiite militia. This was not repeated in the second version, which
>included the US military's allegation of Baathist responsibility.
>However, at least for now, that version still includes the
>information that the attackers shouted "God is Great," carried the
>black flags of the Shiite militias, and included *Persian* speakers
>(a few of whom were captured). According to France-TV's "Le
>Journal," about 200 prisoners were liberated. But our great
>moralists somehow "know" (presumably anticipating the official US
>line) that all the prisoners were "hardened criminals" and that the
>attackers were really Baathists disguised as Shiites.
>Shane Mage

Another irony is that there are a lot of Baathists in the Iraqi police that Mike & Luke love so much:

***** . . .[W]ith only about 40,000 officers, many of whom are corrupt holdovers from the Saddam Hussein era, the force is badly understaffed for a nation of 25 million people.

"I need new police," said Gen. Ahmed Ibrahim, national commander of the force. "Not police from the Baath Party," he added, referring to the party of Mr. Hussein's government. "Many police right now are from the Baath Party." . . .

(Alex Berenson, "For Iraq Police, a Bigger Task but More Risk," November 9, 2003, <http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/09/international/middleeast/09POLI.html>) *****

Also, there are former agents of the Baath regime now working for the CPA, who will join "a powerful secret police" that Washington intends to create before the end of the occupation:

***** Secret police force to be set up in Iraq By Julian Coman Washington January 5, 2004

Nine months after the end of Saddam Hussein's regime and his feared intelligence force, Iraq is to get a secret police force again - courtesy of Washington.

The Bush Administration will fund the agency in its latest bid to root out the Baathist loyalists behind the insurgency in parts of Iraq. The force will cost up to $US3 billion ($A4 billion) over the next three years.

Its ranks will comprise Iraqi exile groups, Kurdish and Shiite forces - and former agents who are now working for the Americans. CIA officers in Baghdad will play a leading role in directing their operations. . . .

The US hopes to organise the various groups into one force with the local knowledge, motivation and authority to hunt down resistance fighters. According to Washington, the new agency could number 10,000. Initially, salaries will be paid by the CIA, which has 275 officers in Iraq. The force is intended to have a crucial role in post-Saddam Iraq.

"The presence of a powerful secret police ... will mean that the new Iraqi political regime will not stray outside the parameters that the US wants to set," said John Pike, an expert on classified military budgets at the Global Security organisation. "To begin with, the new Iraqi government will reign but not rule."

- Telegraph

<http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/01/04/1073151210964.html> ***** -- Yoshie

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