I gotta disagree. Look at map. There is a reason every empire starting back to Ur and the Hittites (including the Jews from Egypt) conquered Palestine and Lebanon. It is the landing zone and bridge, the cross roads between North Africa, Europe and the Middle East... and later critical to keeping control of the Suez canal. European geo-political access to everything between the Mediterranean and Persia goes through Lebanon and Palestine.
Or you can look at it in the negative. If you don't keep control Lebanon and Palestine, you have serious military and strategic difficulties getting around who ever does.
In this strategic sense the Israelis are idiots. If they could get beyond their horrid little war with the Palestinians and unite with equality and citizenship for all, etc, etc, both of them could become rich beyond their dreams by re-negociating Euro trade access to the rest of the Middle East. The Euros could milk the Islamic world to their hearts content, and the Israelis and Palestinians would get rich taking their cut just for being in the right place...
Chuck Grimes