RES: [lbo-talk] Keiretsu Capital

jjlassen at jjlassen at
Tue Jan 13 13:09:46 PST 2004

Hi Alexandre!

The line about the 'hollowing out' of the developmental state in Taiwan was referring to the situation in the late 80s where Taiwan was faced with: the Plaza accords (resulting in a rapidly appreciating currency), global neo- liberal hegemony, pressures to democratize, receding superpower support for an anachronistic dictatorship, and most importantly, the development of a local capitalist class that now had the capital (most importantly financial capital) and power to burst open Taiwan's developmental state, which had propelled it to great heights, but was now (that is, by around 1989) acting as a fetter to its continued growth. It's a great little story, too little told.



Taiwan's developmental state has also been hollowed out from within and without.

-Could you elaborate better? I´m interested in your reasoning.

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