> Churchill's parrot found alive
> ...Charlie, who kept Churchill company during World War Two, was famous
> for
occasionally squawking four letter obscenities about Hitler.
> ..Hitler has only got one ball,
Goering has two, but very small;
Himmler is very sim'lar,
And Goebbels has no balls at all.
Whistle while you work/Hitler was a jerk/Mussolini bit his weenie/Now it doesn't work.
-- Michael Pugliese
>From "Marx at the Millenium, " by Cyril Smith, Pluto Press. Footnote 5, pg.
178, "...The Three Priciples of Democratic Centralism...by Don Cuckson: 1
Father Knows Best 2 Not in front of the children 3 Keep it in the family.