> god forbid that anyone should say this about this Holocaust!
http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/25/books/review/25SCHMEMT.html After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order by Emmanuel Todd>...A French historian and anthropologist trained at Cambridge University in England and descended from Jews who were refugees in America, Todd says he used to see the United States as a model, as his ''subconscious safety net.'' Now, he declares, it is solely a ''predator,'' living way beyond its means, racking up video-game victories over defenseless nations and undermining human rights. Nobody escapes Todd's jilted fury -- not the American woman, ''a castrating, threatening figure,'' and not American Jews, who have ''fallen into the disturbing, not to say neurotic, cult of the Holocaust.'
-- Michael Pugliese
>From "Marx at the Millenium, " by Cyril Smith, Pluto Press. Footnote 5, pg.
178, "...The Three Priciples of Democratic Centralism...by Don Cuckson: 1
Father Knows Best 2 Not in front of the children 3 Keep it in the family.