Dennis Redmond wrote:
>>1. One would think, reading Chuck's posts, that the capitalists are
>>shooting themselves in the foot by letting everything fall apart,
>They are. Below is a neat little table which uses the OECD's 2003 data on
>working hours and employment. Based on current exchange rates (a.k.a. the
>judgement of the currency markets, and who are we mortals to question the
>wisdom of the marketplace), you can construct an all-purpose productivity
>index, based in terms of output per hour worked, per employed person.
>-- DRR
>GDP as output per hour worked, US = 100
>(Data from Table F, OECD Employment Outlook, ISBN 92-64-10812-2, OECD
>2004,, and OECD Employment
>Outlook July 2004, Table B, Web:
>Country Index
>Norway 157.7
>Denmark 123.6
>Switzerland 121.9
>Ireland 113.1
>France 110.0
>Belgium 109.9
>Germany 108.9
>Netherlands 108.4
>Japan 100.9
>US 100.0
>Austria 99.5
>Sweden 97.6
>Italy 95.5
>Finland 92.4
>UK 78.2
>Canada 69.6
>Australia 65.0
>Spain 60.1
>New Zealand 52.1
>Greece 44.2
>Portugal 43.9
>Korea 30.2**
>Hungary 21.1**
>Czech Rep 20.7
>Slovak Rep 19.9
>Poland 15.8
>Mexico 15.0
>**Guesstimates based on average annual working hours of 2,000 per employed