Capitalists don't enjoy their profits in the future. They enjoy them in the present. As for the rest of us....well.
When you plant a seed, you are investing in a future harvest. I don't think it makes sense to characterize capitalism as something that is future oriented, though there is every reason to expose its notion of progress.
Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
> Joanna wrote:
>> psychoanalysis is more about making people conscious of the
>> multitutde of ways they avoid being in the present. Most of these
>> strategies, of course, have to do with relating to the present as if
>> it were nothing other than a symbolic sediment of the past.
> "Making people conscious of the multitude of ways they avoid being in
> the present" probably is a decent summary of psychoanalysis, but,
> then, psychoanalysis misses the most potent source of anxiety under
> capitalism: future. Even in its simplest form, capitalism sacrifices
> the present for the future: capitalists make investments to make
> profits -- not now but later. Since capitalism has developed to a
> more complex stage, expectations and obligations that mature in the
> future have come to poison the minds of not just the bourgeoisie but
> also the proletariat: mortgages, installment plans, credit cards, car
> payments, student loans, etc.