[lbo-talk] Re: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, as it were...

jimi ayler jimi_ayler at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 15 10:29:09 PDT 2004

> No problemo. I deftly sidestepped the false-binary
> trap by saying this
> country doesn't need better psychiatric benefits *as
> much as* it needs
> socialism. Systemic change is the *higher*
> priority. And time's a-wastin'.

>One way of avoiding being in the present is by
>dwelling in the future.

sorta like...waiting for a socialist revolution in the usa?

and, with a mind towards doug's earlier reply, isn't it entirely likely there might be depressed members of a relovutionary vanguard? rear-guard? actually, isn't psychoanalysis just another sort of "re-education camp," strung out over multiple 50-minute sessions?

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