> Can I suggest that outside of the big cities, the
> value of independent bookstores is vastly over-rated?
> Ten years ago, there were no chain bookstores here in
> central CT (and no independents of any value). Now I'm
> only ten minutes away from at least three bookstores
> chock full of Chomsky, served up by kids with nifty
> punk rock haircuts. How is this a bad thing?
Location, location goes the saying.
Yup, when I venture outside the radlib bubble here in SF and Berkeley/Oakland, like a visit w/ my Sister, who lives close to Colorado Springs, Ground Zero of the Xtian Right yahoos, the Borders stores w/ their vast stock of lefty books, same selection as SF Union Square was a haven of sanity. So, in the vast stretches of the USA w/o an indy left bookstore, go to Borders.
-- Michael Pugliese