>Gary? wrote:
> >
> >
> > what a piece of self indulgent crap.
>Easy for a guy to say.
>Yours WDK - WKiernan at ij.net
Don't think that because Gary? is a male that it makes it any "easier" for him to make this statement. Many women think the same way. The wrongness of the argument has nothing to do with whether the person making the argument is male or female. I always have mixed feelings on males expressing an opinion on abortion. On the one hand it is not an issue that males will ever have to deal with on the same level as females on the other hand it is a decision that has an effect of males. The reality is that this is still a male dominated society and what males think about this issue has more than a little relevance. Right or wrong, fair or unfair, that is the reality so saying males opinions on the subject is irrelevant is more than a bit unrealistic. Maybe in an ideal world, maybe not, but certainly not in this world. I realize this is not exactly what you are saying but this is addressing the ones who have stated that as such.
John Thornton