[lbo-talk] Begin The Maggie Thatcher Death Watch Now!

Bradley Mayer Bradley.Mayer at Sun.COM
Mon Jun 7 15:50:00 PDT 2004

Gee, leftists just can't have _any_ fun when Perrin's on the beat, as he shamelessly lectures us for gleefully dancing on the grave of an _avowed political enemy_ (get a clue, Perrin!).

So why stop with the already dead. What about that batty old hag, Maggie Thatcher? Whe is she going to gloriously croak? Thatcher's the one who really got this reactionary Anglo-American counterrevolution going in the first place.

Why not mark Thatchers' every step into the grave, perhaps with some unexpected assists?

-Brad Mayer

Dennis Perrin wrote:

> Oh, I agree with you, Doug. I'm quite aware of R's legacy -- hell, I was
> FAIR's rightwing specialist when he was prez (read all the reactionary rags,
> even Human Events!). I just find this confetti-tossing somewhat adolescent.
> Yeah, sure, piss on his grave. Whatever makes you feel righteous.


There is no need to engage in any ass-covering here for the Left. There is no need to scold us for expressing our heartfelt emotions about Reagan being dead. Every left-leaning person I talked to this weekend broke out in a big smile when the subject of Reagan's death came up. I know of many parties and celebrations this weekend, as many people quaffed beers to toast the departure of Ronald Raygun from this plain of existence. My only regret is that I only quaffed one overpriced beer at the the Royals-Red Sox game in celebration. For many years I imagined that I'd be throwing a party when Reagan croaked.

If anything, your scold about our behavior is way out of place. ;-) As somebody who documented Reagan's presidency, you lived through that era and remember it well. Ronald Reagan may have just been a bad cog in the overall system, but he was still a bad person in his own right.

Let your hair down, Dennis, and join us in toasting the end of the Gipper.


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