God knows this isn't my experience. Try getting laid with no money. Ha!
Curtiss Leung replied:
Know what you mean. OTOH, maybe $$ is a necessary, but not sufficient
condition for getting some; lacking $$ guarantees you won't get laid, but having
$$ does not guarantee you will
And there's that other factor, which makes money a non-issue: charisma, charm and that certain something.
For example, an old friend of mine has spent more or less the past 6 years being broke. Well, there was that year he had half a million in the bank, the result of some intriguing work in Los Angeles (a Raymond Chandler-esque interlude I should write a book about someday), but other than that quickly dissipated capital his pockets stay in a state of perpetual emptiness and longing.
And yet, and yet…
There he is, dating a dazzling variety of women – from university professors to surgically enhanced pr0nsters (this isn’t an exaggeration). Does the phone ever stop ringing? No. Can he walk into a place, cashless and unknown, and leave with several numbers? Yup.
This, my friends is a talent, like being a savant in advanced mathematics or dance. As Morrissey sung years ago, ‘we hate it when our friends are more successful’ and so it was for me, years ago, until I learned to stop being a hater and start being a student.
Still, there’s only so much education can do without native talent and while I did all right I needed to have dollars on hand for entertainment expenses – unlike my gifted comrade.