><URL: http://www.michaeltotten.com/archives/000419.html >
>Many accts. of demos over the last decade w/ more than a whiff of
>anti- semitism.
Sure, fine, deserve criticism too. But why do you seek this stuff out so assiduously? You've got the instincts of a neocon without (most of) the politics.
--yes, Totten is a very interesting example of the 'moderate' blogger. He believes the media is 'antiwar' and is very sensitive when people call him out on his mistakes or lacunas. when i suggested that totten overlooked the possibility that some of the outrageous acts he likes to highlight as examples of 'antisemitism' in the antiwar movement or what he calls 'berkeley' were the work of agent provacateurs, he went ballistic and banned me from his list (then he proceeded to discuss the problem of "PC" [!]). His comments list is an echo chamber of bitter rants against the antiwar movement, with an occasional sane voice that refutes the rants here and there getting snuck in. David Brock's book on the echo chamber phenomenon out there in the prowar blogs, be they of the in your face right wing or 'i was once a liberal and now am a centrist' variety.