[lbo-talk] Iraq's 'debt'

Eubulides paraconsistent at comcast.net
Fri Jun 25 20:24:45 PDT 2004

[and how about writing off everyone else's debt too.........]

http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/06/20040624-5.html Q On Iraq debt relief, can you talk about --

DR. RICE: Just real quick. We have the Iraq debt sustainability study from the IMF. The IMF has said that the range is somewhere between 67 to 95 percent that is sustainable. We're going to work this now with people -- again, people need to be clear that Iraq is not going to be capable of recovering if it has to pay a crushing debt burden. Eventually, this will go to the Paris Club, but we're still in discussion with members.

A lot of people have been very generous in saying that they are prepared to write off the vast majority of Iraqi debt.

Q Do you expect to get that 67 to 95 percent?

DR. RICE: This is going to be quite a long process. We still have to go through an IMF program negotiation with the Iraqis, and this is going to take some time.

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