There are very few signs of patriotism out hre in Kansas City. You'll see flags flying on houses and the rare vehicle decked out in flags, but more or less the amount of visible "patriotism" has declined to near pre-9/11 levels.
Which begs several questions: Was the upsurge in "patriotism" after 9-11 really patriotism or was it just a mass form of displaying remembrance for the victims of 9-11?
Did the left misread all of this? Did we lose time in speaking up and organizing our opposition to Bush polices because we really believed this nonsense about "everything changing after 9-11"?
I remember talking with a friend several months after 9-11 about the level of patriotism. He pointed out that it was a "mile wide and an inch deep." In retrospect, he turned out to be right and I'm glad I listened to him when it came time for me to organize with other activists.
There are many reasons to be optimistic these days. Look at the turnaround in the level of patriotism. Look at Bush's sinking popularity rating.