>>What was the Soviet GDP in the 80s?
> -1,5-2,0 trillion USD depending of the estimates (probably close to the
> second
> value).
I don't know what was rouble-dollar rate then, but 5 bn roubles a year spent on Afghan war don't appear large enough to destroy the fSU. It has been argued that the economic burden of consumer and housing subsidies and input subsidy to Soviet agriculture (collectives and state farms) was one of the important causes of the collapse of the fSU.
http://www.flonnet.com/fl1606/16061000.htm Frontline Vol. 16 :: No. 06 :: Mar. 13 - 26, 1999 WORLD ECONOMY The collapse of socialist economies http://www.flonnet.com/fl1606/16061000.htm