> "The Green Party of the United States holds ballot lines in 21 states
> and D.C., affiliates in 43 states, over 300,000 registered members,
> and over 200 officials serving in elected office. The Green Party
> Presidential Nomination Convention will take place in Milwaukee,
> Wisconsin, June 23-28th" (at
> <http://www.gp.org/press/pr_12_23_03.html>). The Green Party's ballot
> lines will go to Ralph Nader at the Green Party convention, because
> Peter Camejo is now taking the lead in the Green nomination process
> (see
> <http://mailman.lbo-talk.org/pipermail/lbo-talk/Week-of-Mon-20040315/
> 005732.html>) and Camejo (probably along with several other candidates
> currently running in the Green primaries) is a "placeholder" for >
> Nader.
And may I ask another couple of questions? Is Camejo taking the lead in the Green nomination process because a majority of Green Party members want Nader to be their nominee? And why does Nader need a "placeholder"? Can't he speak for himself? (I'm asking these questions because I'm unfamiliar with the way the GP does its business.)
Jon Johanning // jjohanning at igc.org __________________________________ Had I been present at the Creation, I would have given some useful hints for the better ordering of the universe. -- Attr. to Alfonso the Wise, King of Castile