You can apply for an emergency substitute certification if you have 60 hours of college credit. NYS's requirements are less stringent that Kansas?!
I can probably coach you on the job interview skills, and I don't mean to make you think you're doing it wrong, so let me explain. I spent a couple of years with long-term unemployed managers and professionals going through a transition program that was part of their severance package. (was comparing their exp to blue collar unemployed) Anyway, I learned a lot about what you're supposed to do in the interview. Mind you, I personally suck at, but ain't that the way.... Anyway, these people used to HIRE people and they didn't know how to do a job interview--give 'em the answers they want to hear. So, you may be surprised at some of the stuff you should watch out for. (I wouldn't blame it on google, btw, coz they'll do the google before spending the $$ on plane fare.)
In the end, sweetie, hiring people comes down to whether you "synch" with them or not. And that could mean whether or not one of the people really dig the socks you're wearing. It's not about merit; get that right out of your head. It's about the Art of the Schmooze. So, stop beating yourself up. !!
My employer pays for all I can eat long distance (we're a remote team), so if you want coaching or someone to whine at :), let me know and I'll call you when convenient.
Right now, I'm gonna go play with the rusty iron and do some kickboxing. HUZZAH!