>URL: http://newyorker.com/fact/content/?040510fa_fact
>Additional images of the torture of Iraqi prisoners:
>URL: http://newyorker.com/online/covers/?040510onco_covers_gallery
i read this this morning, too.
What can and should we do to use this to the antiwar movement's advantage?
This is obviously going to be smoothed over as an aberration. The right is going to throw images of the Blackwater deaths back at everyone....
I have been avoiding television, but I turned on FOX early this a.m. to see what they had to say. It was the morning show. The two men came off as at least troubled by the incident. The woman--can't recall her name--started to object to say something about what they'd done to the contractors. The two men started to question her, she became inarticulate, shaking her head. Everyone b/c uncomfortable. They didn't have their marching orders....
Clearly, the control room stepped in insisting that they move on....
Would be nice to see an international coalition make use of this to shove these guys out. Call me a dreamer.