From: Doug Henwood
We - and I'm including myself in this - are rather lacking in a compelling vision of the future. Part of the reason may be that we've lost that old Hegelian/Marxist trick of finding the seeds of the new in the belly of the old. So much left discourse is about horrors - exploitation, genocide, heat death of the universe, the evils of "globalization," the crimes of Howard Stern - that people don't want to listen to us, and we have no plausible strategy for making things any better.
CB: Hear , hear !
I'm a big whiner about this period of reaction and ebb in victories, but we gotta have optimism of the will to go with our pessimism of the intellect. The struggle continues , victory is certain. Who ever thought there would be such a sudden reversal and Apartheid would fall so fast ? Who in 1910, in the period of reaction, thought the Bolsheviks would storm the Winter Palace in 1917 ?
In our current circumstance, one seed of the new might be the repulsion of U.S. imperialist forces in Fallujah. The negation of the negation isn't usually fun.