[lbo-talk] Re: Marxist Democracy

Shane Mage shmage at pipeline.com
Tue May 11 12:45:58 PDT 2004

"Bklyn Magus" wrote:
>> In an aired radio interview with a psychology researcher from
>>Duke, the DL was asked whether if he was sitting next to hitler he
>>would kill him. The DL consulted apparently with his colleague
>>lamas, & then said along the lines:
>"Yes - I would kill him if I could. But the important thing is to do
>it without any anger in your heart".
>While I am no expert on/fan of the Dalai Lama, that is a common
>response. The motivation for action should not be anger...

Precisely the standard attitude of the Mafia/CIA/KGB/MI5 killer: "Nothing personal, just business." The "untrained" Abu Ghraib guards, unlike the professional torturers for whom they were "preparing" their victims, let their feelings get in the way of their duty (to keep everything secret).

Shane Mage

"Mortals immortals, immortals mortals,

living their deaths, dying their lives"

Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 62

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