[lbo-talk] Rapture Christians & White House

snitilicious at tampabay.rr.com snitilicious at tampabay.rr.com
Tue May 18 10:16:39 PDT 2004

At 11:11 AM 5/18/2004, Jeet Heer wrote:
>Rick Perlstein has a pretty amazing and scary story about rapture
>Christians influencing U.S. policy in the Middle East.

Did you realize that when the Rapture comes, the believers will be whisked away bare nekkid?! That just tickles me.

>Is it just me, or is reality starting to resemble a bad 1970s horror movie
>-- like The Omen.

no. the level of venom, fear, and hatred in u.s. politics is way worse that I've ever seen it. the absolute hatred of anyone to the left of lieberman is just insane.

i had to take my car to the shop, so I headed across the street to blow off some time at k-mart. I was accosted by someone who wanted me to sign a petition. I had already signed one and refused to sign the other.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because," I said, "the petition is to defray that big ole 1% property tax that supports our schools. It's a savings of a lousy $250. Obviously, people can afford that $250 a year. They are already paying it. This petition is to raise the 25k exemption to 50k. Smoke and mirrors, all to save a lousy $250."

She's was looking a little flabbergasted at this point. Then I said, "I won't sign that because we need need to pay more taxes!"

My son was amused, smirking and slightly shaking his head. (Ah jeez, here she goes again.) A couple of the women in the entrance area gasped in shock. An older gentlemen leaned my way and said, "Young lady, this just boggles my mind."

"Good," I said, "My work here is done."

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