>>>I know. I mean, for example, Chomsky thinks the US
>>>_won_ the Vietnam war...
>>I am inclined to agree with him. Countless/uncountable
>>numbers of dead Vietnamese/Lao/Cambodians vs some
>>58,000 US fatalities. And consider the isolation and
>>immiseration which followed.
> Immiseration? Vietnam has continuously boomed since 1985 -- despite a US
> trade embargo, no war reparations, and the cutoff of aid from the USSR
> after 1990.
Chomsky's point about the U.S. "winning" in Vietnam is that it demonstrated tot he rest of the world what would happen to countries that chose to pursue a different path than one oriented around pro-US, pro-capitalist values. His argument is related to what he has argued about the US versus Cuba. The US will punish any country that pursues an independent course, especially small countries that are easy to make an example of.
Chuck0 Infoshop.org