Exercising a capacity for autonomous thought seems the opposite of allowing a text to put your own foundational ideas in question, for one's autonomous thought is not found in _somebody else's_ text. Autonomous of what ? Evidently not autonomous of the text and its writer's thoughts.
Anyway, for Marx , the thing is not only to interpret texts well, be self-critical and let your mind go free, but,also, to change the world. On the other hand , that practical effort to change the world is the ultimate test of the arguments in texts ( See Theses on F, nos. 1, 2 and 11). That's why the practice is practical-CRITICAL; it is the acid criticism of practice for thought. It is a good way to avoid treating a text as a bible.
The direct act is interpreting Lenin as a Marxist , here. All our speculation on this thread about what Marx would have done in Russia after his death is historical, counterfactual speculation or the like.