[lbo-talk] Butler on Derrida :>)/:>(

Charles Brown cbrown at michiganlegal.org
Mon Nov 1 05:25:55 PST 2004

[lbo-talk] Butler on Derrida :>)/:>(


hey, cb, i don't know if you'll like this or not, but your riff, so to speak, on music and philosophy via hegel's craggly melodies, etc. etc., reminded me of nothing so much as the opening of deleuze and guattari's _a thousand plateaus_, glenn gould, and philosophy as a rhizomatic endeavor . . .

word-association philosophy, like the association of notes and melodies, sampling, dubbing, speeding up, slowing down, working into new complexities and simplicities, yadda yadda yadda.




CB: As long as deleuze and guattari are part of the project to criticize that reactionary Plato, it's alright with me.

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