[lbo-talk] Not a Referendum on Bush, Notwithstanding the ABB Hype

Wilson Barber wilsonbarber at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 3 00:07:53 PST 2004

This situtation is the direct result of the failure of the ABB strategy. 2004 is will be marked not only as the collapse of the Democratic Party but also the last gasp of Liberalism.

The Liberal elite who attack Nader and divided the left have only themselves to blame. But I'm not surprised. The primary goal of Liberals is to disrupt true democracy in order to save "society" from "mob rule". This election especially the 2004 Nader/Camejo campaign expose Liberal duplicity and hyprocracy.

The left need a new strategy, articulation and alliances. And I want to thank Yoshie for her commitment and dedication.


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