[lbo-talk] a vision...

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Wed Nov 3 07:23:18 PST 2004

C. Doss:

> Man, I have never been more glad that I left the US. What is wrong with
> you people?!?!? (collectively)

Writing thru twin-hangovers and sleep deprivation, but all I can tell you, based on my emotions of the moment, is that a large chunk of America is seriously fucked-up. Proposal 2, the anti-gay prop here in Michigan, won by 18 fucking points! Not even close! All these fag-haters and queerphobes -- uh, doorbell just rang. Guess who? Jehovah's Witnesses!! Beautiful. Just what I need. The women were sweet enough, but all this Jesus Branding and Selling door-to-door rubs me wrong, esp now. Don't these people give up? Put yr. faith in action, not on the market.

Anyway, Chris, back to fucked-up America. What can I say? There's a ton of delusion out there. And that Ohio, which has been hit hard by Bush's policies, would reward him with another term just makes my head explode. Kerry ran a lackluster campaign, but my guess now is that even if he had the passion of Debs, he'd still lose. Bush has obviously connected with the worst side of this country, and they react accordingly.

More ramblings later . . . .

The Other DP

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