>That's completely wrong. Let's face facts: Religious people are morons
>who believe in magic solutions to real problems; their judgment is, ipso
>facto, unsound. They don't believe in normal rules of evidence and will,
>e.g., eagerly go to war for fictional reasons or spurn government aid for
>themselves in favor of the power of prayer. These people are of no use
>whatsoever to the left, and I say the hell with them all.
>Give me a secular U.S. left, or give me a plane ticket to Canada!
I agree with you Carl--though I don't think it necessarily has to be that radical. What we'd strive for is the separation -- seems to me.
Anyway, same author I mentioned in another post told me something I have been observing, but hadn't anyone to bounce it off. If you mention you're Catholic, Methodist, Episcopalian... you're the enemy. You aren't a _real_ Christian. You're a liberal and that's all there is to it and that means you have no values. You can go on and on about your values, but it doesn't matter. You're not a Christian.
Pandering to religion by talking about being a Catholic or going to your mainline Protestant church means squat. There _are_ progressive xtaisn. I know one (!!). There are democrat/liberal/probably even radical xtians. But it's just too slim.
And, if I'm not mistaken, I remember reading something about how the mainlines and Catholics are trying to hold on to their base by emulating the 'just xtians.'
Doug, when I land a job, I'll send you $50, promise. I need some freakin' therapy today.
"We live under the Confederacy. We're a podunk bunch of swaggering pious hicks."
--Bruce Sterling