eh? berube was engaged in satire, going on about the wedge issue suggested by his wife, that some farmers in PA are penning goats and sheep together. it's an outrage, i tell ya! it's an outrage! in 2008, though, they will come out in droves to take a stand on this horrid, horrid practice. just you watch. Berube and his wife are on to something with this sheep boarding with goat thing. That's because penning sheep and goats together will mean the downfall of the family, the rise of gangs, underground sex rings, and gay men just won't stick their dicks in shit, they will fuck holes in the wall.
And that, my friend, will be the end of civilization--and all because you didn't vote to end the practice.
you may live in a part of NJ where sheep only ever live on sequined sweaters, but by 2008 you WILL care about whether farmers are penning sheep WITH goats.
"We live under the Confederacy. We're a podunk bunch of swaggering pious hicks."
--Bruce Sterling