I think there's a danger in calling it history too soon. The dominant media and the Democratic Party have given in to -- blessed, really -- a whole new level of fraud, suppression, and manipulation. 2000 was pretty bad, but you could argue it was an anomaly and that such things as fraudulent voter purge lists wouldn't be used again once they were exposed. In 2004, this kind of thing is apparently regarded as pretty much S.O.P., and to watch the news, the birds are chirping, the children are playing and there's nothing much to talk about. So, when 2006 comes around, the Repubs. can take it to a new level, and everyone will worry about sounding like fringey nuts then, too. So we need to raise a fuss now--otherwise the history books, even those we write, will not record it as more than ho-hum, more of the same, you know how Republicans are. For example, around the county they're going full speed ahead on introducing more no-paper-trail, no-audit, proprietary software DRE machines. Jacksonville has a contract for them by 2006--currently they're using Optical scan (marksense) machines which at least have a paper ballot.
Jenny Brown