John Lacny jlacny at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 27 16:01:34 PST 2004

Chris Doss:

> I have noticed that the cruder elements of the
> Anglo-American Left seem to have turned a
> blind eye to the Chavez-Putin coziness, maybe
> because that would put a crimp in their
> simultaneous demonization of Putin and
> worship of Chavez. I doubt the neocons will
> be so oblivious.

Chris, don't be ridiculous. The "cruder elements of the Anglo-American Left" are literal-minded twits who fetishize pronouncements. They have no appreciation for diplomatic language and niceties like this Chavez statement, just as they have no appreciation for what Lenin himself called "Aesopian language." I take this Chavez statement with a grain of salt; who knows what he really thinks of Putin (or if he even cares?), the point is that he's just trying to find allies. No harm in that.

- - - - - - - - - - John Lacny http://www.johnlacny.com

Tell no lies, claim no easy victories

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