>October 6, 2004
>We have some incredible news to share with you today.
>This afternoon, the Michigan AFL-CIO, which represents over 600,000
>union members from 59 different unions, announced its opposition to
>Proposal 2, the so-called "marriage amendment".
>Says the AFL-CIO on their website, "This constitutional amendment,
>if passed, would take away some of the bargaining rights of public
>employees... The ballot language is overly broad and this proposed
>constitutional amendment takes benefits off the table."
>The AFL-CIO has added a strong and powerful voice to the chorus of
>those opposing to this poorly written and reckless amendment.
I don't agree with Eliot, that the greatest treason is to do the right deed for the wrong reason, but really, this is a weak-ass reason to oppose the amendment. Instead of articulating a broad principle of justice, they reduce the argument to collective bargaining. It's depressing how often unions live up to the criticism of them as narrow interest groups.