[lbo-talk] Derridoodada

piet poet poetpiet at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 13:05:30 PDT 2004

Deconstruction's mulitple interpretation merriment implies distance donit? Was the man purposely taking out tradionalisms? Popularity of this Joycean fun parallels profits besides wear and tear suffered from/during travel. Well a dutch saying has it that: 'wat je ver haalt is lekker' ('what one far hauls is good' or to be less transliteral and more hypey about it: 'what you import from afar fetches a price' and that's making the free trade connection (form) enveloping/submerging the Purdey argument* (content). -- *Hensel's argument also, he noted 120 years ago that expensive english race horses were fed hungarian oats - he was one of the few folks with a keen eye for the fact it had it had better mineral content/balance - silicate rather than calcite soils you see. He had to defend himself and his rock powder application practice in court against the jealous, dominant and aggressive kind of professional fertilizers. purdeyenvironment.com/ Organophosphates, BSE, CJD, Manganese, Copper, Scrapie, Prions, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Pesticides, Industrial Pollutants, Soils, Diet. google.com/custom?..trace+minerals+powder+purdey 8 sponsored links, 19 hits

http://www2b.abc.net.au/4corners/sforum48/histtime.shtm 2001 discussion


warmwell.com/ grim news from the UK warmwell.com/04sep1purdey.html#copper  warmwell.com/2oct14purdey.html 

markpurdey.com/news_the_magnetics_of_madness.htm sept 30 2003 - The US Wasting Lands. -- During the autumn and spring of 2002/2003, I carried out a series of analyses in the ecosystems supporting the clusters of TSE that had emerged across the USA and Canada. My resulting data indicated that all of these clusters are located in areas where copper is virtually absent in the food chain. Furthermore, I identified the presence of high levels of certain radioactive metal species in those environments, which had invariably resulted from toxic discharges vented out of the military munitions production/testing ranges or oil/gas well sites that were centrally located within all of these cluster environments. ------- In this respect, the lone case of BSE that has emerged in Washington state, has probably stemmed from the fact that this cow had been imported from the copper deficient pastures of Alberta Canada into an area where the most intensive radioactive metal pollution has occurred in the USA – around the Hanford plutonium nuclear processing plant. ------ For further details see the Articles on this website and the Red Flags website. ps: DR wrote: compromise-formation between neo-national signifiers and a multinational signifieds ------------- sounds like incontinent bioregionalism to me. Now, le's see, . .. .have I got a beaut of a twin too? Dunno, .. . . a pow(d)erful application of complementarity mystique sought but not found in multicultural mismatchism could well lie in and be traced to the earthy and tangible parts of slingoslangoslack (absence of essential traces causes untold sorrow of which split palate's is on the absolutely mildest end of the spectrum): trace+minerals+powder+purdey = 19 hits - I'll repeat my high command since I ain't done it here yet: give Mark Purdey an armful of Nobels on the double .. .hee, on the other hand, I am afraid to post this one. . . . At least I was till Chris and Christian rooted out and foregrounded the con, cone and kin actions of 'trace' for me to legup with and leap to crystalclarity from.

-- trilingual piet presents: http://members.tripod.com/poetpiet http://members.lycos.nl/vadercats http://members.lycos.nl/vadercats/Deutsch.htm

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