>More in response to the luddites (you know who you are!):
>James Greenstein
Such slander done to Ned Ludd. As a communistbanker I would think that you would applaud Ludds movement against "private property" composed of "machinery hurtful to Commonality" as an Act in the House of Commons phrased Ludds desires. Since Luddism is an extension of the protests against the Enclosure Movements of the 1770's I thought you might find it as pro-worker as it was conceived. It was a protest against technology used to "concentrate economic power". I'm surprised you would perpetuate a negative portrayal of this movement since you came from the same side of the pond as Ludd and it is more directly part of your history. Well maybe not so surprised, after all you tried to portray poor Richard Rogers as anti-city when in reality he favors increased urban densities. Since Dwayne did such a good job commenting on the article I'll let that go for now.
John Thornton