[lbo-talk] Crossing the Rubicon

Joseph Wanzala jwanzala at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 18 10:16:15 PDT 2004


By: Devvy

October 15, 2004


/"We are apt to close our eyes against a painful truth."/ -- Patrick


Don't believe everything you read in a book. That's what Michael Ruppert, author of Crossing the Rubicon <http://www.fromthewilderness.com/store/index.shtml> advises in the opening of his massive work. Judge the evidence for yourself. Don't let someone else do your thinking for you.

As one who has been an intense researcher for over 14 years, I have a house full of book cases crammed with books, some good, many outstanding, some worthless, a few magnificent works. Crossing the Rubicon falls into the category of compelling, unable to put down, frightening. An amazing set of facts woven by a former LAPD narcotics investigator who produced concrete evidence back in the late 70s of the CIA's massive drug smuggling, flooding America's streets with cocaine.

In Crossing the Rubicon you will read an excruciatingly detailed account of how Wall Street (yes, the biggest banks) are knowingly laundering a trillion dollars a year in dirty drug money for the CIA. Since the mid-70s to date, Congress has turned a blind eye while feeding the American people dung about "the war on drugs," while allowing the CIA to flood this country with them. It is beyond an outrage, it's outright criminal and no one in the U.S. government seems to care - especially Congress whose responsibility it is to rein in this kind of flagrant lawlessness.

Crossing the Rubicon isn't just about the terror attacks that day. Ruppert masterfully presents the genesis of September 11th and moves the reader through the early years regarding high expectations for massive oil sources, exposing what's known as "peak oil" production and into the future. Most Americans are oblivious to what oil really means to the world. They only equate "Bush went to Iraq for oil" as it relates to an increase at the pump. They are woefully ignorant about oil, why it's called "black gold" and why the industrial world can't live without it. Many wonder why the White House fought all the way to the Supreme Court to keep Dick Cheney's energy policy meetings secret from the American people. That truth is revealed in stark clarity in Crossing the Rubicon.

Millions of Americans no longer believe the official story line sold to the American people about September 11th. I have authored several pieces myself (see index at: www.newswithviews.com/Devvy/kiddA.htm <http://www.newswithviews.com/Devvy/kiddA.htm>) My last word on the issue of whether a commercial airliner hit the Pentagon is simply, John Ashcroft: release all the surveillance film <http://www.newswithviews.com/Devvy/kidd63.htm> from the Pentagon gas station, the nearby Sheraton, VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation) and any other film being held by DOJ. To date Ashcroft refuses to release these videos and the only inference one can draw is cover-up.

Crossing the Rubicon moves from the drug dealing by the CIA, the money laundering on Wall Street to insider trading, who benefited from September 11th and then on to what Ruppert calls the "Holy Grail of 9-11." This 'Holy Grail' is about the war games that were being run simultaneously by NORAD as events unfolded, who was in charge of the entire operation and what it meant on that day. Americans will be horrified when they find out just what really was going on, how those "live-fly" exercises affected the out come and who was running the show. Ruppert painstakingly walks the reader through these war games exercises and how it was deliberately engineered to hide certain things happening that day. This narrative will fully answer people's questions about why our military didn't respond until it was too late. The facts will shock you.

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