Wow. You'd better see it. It's not a parody. It is advocating revolution. And, while he attacks Shrub, one of his last lines is a plea to both Shrub and Kerry-- and you see a TV, split screen, with both Shrub and Kerry.
Marshall deserves many hummers.
I strongly suspect that a former mentor of mine would see it as fascistic -- if I'm hearing the lyrics right. The light at the end of the tunnel imagery reminds me of the fascistic scene at the end of Batman -- where he gives the city a search light, tells them to shine it when they need him, and he'll swoop in and save them. Well, come to think of it, this video isn't advocating a savior but that people rise up and _become_ their own saviors. I guess it's just the dark colors, the military beat, the brooding uniformity of the people who all dress in the same clothes as they rise up.
I have not been paying attention to the news. Is this getting a lot of play? I would think it would scare the crap out of the administration. Is it being denounced by major media players?
Off to Google!
"We live under the Confederacy. We're a podunk bunch of swaggering pious hicks."
--Bruce Sterling