[lbo-talk] Aristotle

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Thu Oct 28 09:00:55 PDT 2004

For non-philosophers who want to try to form an opinion on the burning issue of Aristotle's profundity or superficiality, I have a tentative suggestion. (Not being trained in philosophy myself, I can offer no guidance on the subject to those who are.)

For a little over three years now I have been intermittently chugging away at Terence Irwin, _Aristotle's First Principles_ (New York: OUP, 1988). As of Sept. 1, 2003 (when my reading seems to have been interrupted) I had reached page 143; I think I'll have to return to it for a couple hours a week anyhow. For some reason all my reading got interrupted last September, & I've begun again on only a few of the texts I was reading at the time.

I found the book quite entertaining, and it does serve to bring one's attention to just how complex ("profound" if you will) the topics Aristotle pursued not only _were_ in the 4th c. bce but are still in many ways in the 21st c. ce.


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