I'm an official Bush Meetup organizer
Meetup.com recently changed the way they do things. They now appoint meetup organizers for political meetups. I put in my application to organize the Bush/Cheney meetups a few months ago, and this week, I finally heard back from them:
Dear JC Christian,
You've been chosen as Organizer of the Yakima Bush in 2004 Meetup Group. You're among the first Meetup Group Organizers in history, and we're glad you volunteered. Together, we're bringing communities to life around the world. Let's get off to a great start!
Why don't you join me? Sign up under a pseudonym that is appropriate for Our Leader's meetup and let's have some fun.
I've already scheduled our first event:
Upcoming Events
Little Soldiers for Bush Rally
Yakima, WA
Attendees will be given a mason jar before entering the video arcade area. The first to coax his little soldier into releasing his imprisoned spermatazoan-Americans wins a Bush/Cheney 2004 Tee.
"We're in a fucking stagmire."
--Little Carmine, 'The Sopranos'