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|_| |_| 09.09.04 ISSUE 225
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>> Suicide is painless <<
Beware the Mitsubishi Martyrs
Suicide bombers throughout the Middle East
are often given Ecstasy by their handlers,
to help inspire them with the fervour
required to blow themselves up.
After the Saudi bombings this summer, the US
ordered a crackdown, and the Saudi authorities
traced the bombers Ecstasy to a batch shipped
into the country by a member of the Saudi
royal family, based in London.
The prince has been recalled to Saudi Arabia,
and has not been heard from since.
(NB: Popbitch does not condone terrorism, but if you are going to crash an airliner into a skyscraper, we reckon the experience would be massively enhanced by being off your tits on MDMA.)