Hmm, well I know godly oneupmanship: "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." -- 1 Corinthians 13:11
>But this idea that pwogs are
>"limited" because they have to share space with those who believe in a
>spiritual realm is itself limiting. I've no prob with criticizing
>superstition, fundamentalism, what have you -- critical thinking is part of
>any active life, and there are those who "believe" who are dangerous when
>not foolish. But don't shove everyone who believes in something other than
>what can be immediately seen into the same revival tent.
But that's just it. Politics *is* about "what can be immediately seen." It's about making war or peace, delivering social services, ensuring occupational safety, etc. It's not about saving souls; it's not about the hereafter; it's not about eternity. Politics is concerned *exclusively* with the here and now. That's why -- nutty as politics can be -- politics is not completely stark raving insane the way religion is.