Beat me just once a week Re: [lbo-talk] Re: Sex, Kink and Ick

joanna bujes jbujes at
Wed Sep 22 17:06:28 PDT 2004

I don't know. It seems like something like a consensual compromise was offered (though not accepted by the judge): a once-a-week beating. The notion that a manly man secures respect by beating his wife; the notion that a woman is truly loved if her husband bothers to beat her....these are still commonplaces in many parts of the world and consensually practiced. I'm from Romania; it's not all that uncommon there.

A repressed, commie prude might argue that there's something "wrong" here, but well, here we go again.


Chuck0 wrote:

> Bill Bartlett wrote:
>> This woman has consented to a weekly beating, yet the judge has
>> demanded the husband cease the beating altogether. I wonder if those
>> who insist that activities between consenting adults are no-one
>> else's business are outraged by this?
> Let me explain this clearly:
> Those of who insist that *sexual* activities between *consenting*
> adults "are no-one else's business" are all probably bothered by this
> news. But this news does not involve *consensual sex* between adults.
> It is not *consensual* role-playing--it is abuse.
> Posting this news item as a contribution to this discussion is rather
> silly.
> Chuck
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