> I often wonder how many lives would have been spared ruin if Roy Cohn
> had been outed a la our current batch of nasties.
McCarthy got his just deserts though. He was put on trial for using his
"connections" to have one of his right hand boys returned from the Korean
War. He had two of these boys, Roy Cohn and David Schine, who were his
consultants. Everyone was pretty sure they were gay, and that McCarthy got
Schine promoted to the rank of Private so that he could return to the U.S.
and be back with his sweetheart, Roy...
The McCarthy team had produced a photograph of Schine shaking hands with the General he had been under in Korea, as proof that the General had promoted him to rank of private and sent him home, instead of McCarthy using his hook-ups. The Welch team (the good guys) found that the photo was actually a cropped version of a larger photo with more soldiers in it, thereby making Schine just another schmo in the scheme of things. The Army (Welch) Counsel brought out the real photo that had hung on Schine's wall and questioned James Juliana, a Subcommittee employee who had arranged the cropping, as to why he had not brought the whole picture.
JULIANA: I wasn't asked for it... WELCH: ... You were asked for something different from the thing that hung on Schine's wall? JULIANA: I never knew what hung on Schine's wall WELCH: Did you think this came from a pixie? ... MCCARTHY: Will the counsel for my benefit define - I think he might be an expert on that - what a pixie is? WELCH: Yes, I should say, Senator, that a pixie is a close relative of a fairy. Shall I proceed, sir? Have I enlightened you?
Well, all this pixie and fairy talk sure made Roy Cohn an angry homo, who scowled when the entire room burst out laughing at Welch's low blow at Cohn's sexuality -- Michael Pugliese